Practicum Agency Search

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Program: MSW and BSW
Contact Person: Michelle Pfeiffer
MSW Supervisor: Stephanie Francis
Address: 370 S Walker St Ste 122 Cary NC 27511
Phone: 919-307-3952
Fax: 919-307-3952
Level: BSW Program, MSW Foundation Yr, MSW Advanced Yr
Agency Auspices: Private, Non-Profit
Age Groups: Infant, Pre-School, Elementary, Adolescent, Young Adult, Adult, Older Adult
Setting: Micro/macro combination
Transportation: Car Needed
Work Hours: 9:30-4:30
Disabilities: Yes
Screening Required: Criminal Check
Other Screenings Required:
Number of Students: 2
Fields of Practice: Developmental Disab.
Other Fields of Practice: I was not able to select more than one - additional areas: employment, families, health, physically challenged, schools,
Major Functions: Administration
Other Functions: I was not able to select more than one - additional areas: advocacy, community education, community organizing, documentation, evaluation, family services, fundraising, grant writing,
Tasks/Assignments for intern: Tasks include assisting with programs, working with families, advocacy, fund-raising, administration, creating programs, and social media
Ideal student description: Someone who is passionate about helping individuals with Down syndrome or similar diagnosis. Self initiator, willing to learn new tasks. We have a strong training program to help our interns learn about GiGi's and how to perform the needed tasks as well as a strong team that is very supportive.
Pay/stipend offered?: No