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The Center for Volunteer Caregiving

Program: Caregiver Support and In Home Connections
Contact Person: Lisa Hoskins
MSW Supervisor: Lisa Hoskins, MSW, LCSW
Address: 1150 SE Maynard Rd, Cary NC 27511
Phone: 919-460-0567
Fax: 000-000-0000
Level: BSW Program, MSW Foundation Yr, MSW Advanced Yr
Agency Auspices: Private, Non-Profit
Age Groups: Older Adult
Setting: Direct practice (micro)
Transportation: Car Needed
Work Hours: 8:30-4:30
Disabilities: No
Screening Required: Criminal Check
Other Screenings Required:
Number of Students: 1
Fields of Practice: Aging
Other Fields of Practice:
Major Functions: Administration, After Care/Follow Up, Assessment, Home Visits, Information/referral, Program Evaluation, Referrals
Other Functions:
Tasks/Assignments for intern: Intake, in-home assessments, care receiver follow up, volunteer management, phone work, I & R. Intern will also be exposed to NASW legislative committee, Triangle SWs in Aging Alliance, NC Coalition on Aging, and the Family Caregiver Support Program. They would be assigned a special project such as working on a statewide Volunteer Caregiver Respite Consortium or in the PEARLS program.
Ideal student description: Someone who is interested in working with older adults and understanding the services available for this population.
Pay/stipend offered?: No