Start Over

Welcome! You are about to take the NC State Foreign Language Placement Test. Please review the following points before you begin:

  1. Typically you are able to take the placement test in a given language only once. This test is for course placement only. If you believe that you will test out of your major's FL requirement and you don't plan on taking classes in the language you should not take the test online at this time. Take the placement test in the language computer lab so that the test is monitored by the lab attendant and the results can be verified. Search "NCSU world language placement test" for details. If you place beyond your major's language requirement, then drop the signed/sealed results printout in Dr. Despain's mailbox in Withers 310 and he will prepare a waiver. If you do not place beyond your major's language requirement, then take the course you place into. Also contact Dr. Despain if you feel that you have placed too high or too low in the language sequence.
  2. There is no time limit to this exam. On average, the exam takes about 30 minutes to complete. There are no breaks once you begin an exam.
  3. No electronic devices, books, or study-aids of any kind are allowed to be used during the exam. Therefore, please put away all of these items while taking the exam. If you are found to be using any of the above items, you are in violation of the Honor Code, and disciplinary action will be taken.
  4. The placement test is for your protection. The purpose is to help you identify what course you are prepared to be successful in. Placing into a course for which you are not prepared to succeed is not good for anyone (you, your classmates, or your instructor).

To begin the exam, please have your campus ID number (9-digits) ready.